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Trauma recovery

Understanding the Impact of Past Trauma on Anxiety, Anger, and Depression

Trauma is a powerful force that can leave lasting imprints on our minds and bodies. When we experience traumatic events, the effects often extend far beyond the initial incident, influencing our mental health and behavior in profound ways. At Gary Smith Psychotherapy, we understand the complex relationship between past trauma and conditions like anxiety, anger, and depression, and we are here to help you navigate the path to healing.

The Lingering Shadow of Trauma

Traumatic experiences can arise from various sources, such as childhood abuse, accidents, loss, or any event that overwhelms our ability to cope. These experiences can disrupt our sense of safety and stability, leading to long-term emotional and psychological distress.

One of the key areas of the brain involved in the processing and storage of trauma is the hippocampus. The hippocampus plays a crucial role in forming and organising memories. When trauma occurs, the intense stress and emotional arousal can affect the way memories are stored, often resulting in fragmented and vivid recollections that can intrude upon daily life.

The Role of the Hippocampus

The hippocampus acts as a repository for our memories, both positive and negative. In the case of trauma, the hippocampus may store these painful memories in a way that makes them easily triggered by reminders of the event. This can lead to persistent anxiety, as the brain remains on high alert, anticipating potential threats based on past experiences.

Furthermore, the hippocampus interacts with the amygdala, the brain's emotional center, which can amplify feelings of fear and anger. This interaction creates a feedback loop where traumatic memories evoke strong emotional responses, reinforcing feelings of anxiety and anger.

Behavioral Templates Formed by Trauma

Trauma can serve as a template for future behaviors and emotional responses. For instance, someone who has experienced trauma may develop hypervigilance, constantly scanning their environment for danger. This heightened state of alertness can contribute to chronic anxiety and irritability.

Additionally, unresolved trauma can manifest as anger. The lingering pain and helplessness from the traumatic event may surface as frustration or aggression, often directed inward or toward others. Similarly, depression can emerge as a response to the unresolved grief and loss associated with trauma, leading to feelings of hopelessness and despair.

Healing from Trauma at Best Mind therapy

At Best Mind Therapy, we offer specialised therapeutic processes to help you address and heal from the effects of past trauma. Our goal is to provide a safe, compassionate environment where you can explore and process your traumatic experiences, allowing you to reclaim control over your emotions and behaviors.


Hypnotherapy is an effective tool for accessing and reprocessing traumatic memories stored in the subconscious mind. By guiding you into a deeply relaxed state, we can safely explore these memories, helping to reduce their emotional intensity and reframe your responses. This process can break the cycle of anxiety, anger, and depression, allowing you to move forward with greater clarity and calm.


Psychotherapy offers a supportive space to delve into the emotional and psychological impact of trauma. Through techniques like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), we can identify and challenge the negative thought patterns and behaviors that stem from your trauma. By developing healthier coping strategies, you can reduce the grip of trauma on your daily life.

NLP Rewind Technique

The NLP Rewind Technique, also known as the fast phobia cure, is a powerful method for processing and neutralizing traumatic memories. This technique allows you to re-experience the traumatic event in a dissociated state, reducing the emotional charge associated with the memory. By repeatedly 'rewinding' the memory, you can diminish its impact, helping to alleviate symptoms of anxiety, anger, and depression.

Take the First Step Towards Healing

Healing from trauma is a journey, but you don't have to navigate it alone. At Gary Smith Psychotherapy, we are dedicated to helping you understand and overcome the impact of past trauma on your mental health. By addressing the root causes of your anxiety, anger, and depression, we can work together to create a brighter, more resilient future.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and begin your journey towards healing and inner peace

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Hypnotherapy for Anxiety

Managing Anxiety with Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy: A Path to Inner Peace

In our fast-paced world, anxiety has become a common companion for many. It’s a silent, persistent force that can disrupt our lives, making even the simplest tasks seem daunting. But there is hope. At Best Mind Therapy Ltd and Gary Smith Psychotherapy, we understand the profound impact anxiety can have on your life and are here to offer effective, compassionate solutions.

Understanding Anxiety

Anxiety manifests in various forms, from generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) and panic attacks to social anxiety and specific phobias. It can stem from past trauma, genetic predisposition, or chronic stress. The symptoms—racing thoughts, heart palpitations, restlessness, and insomnia—can be overwhelming, affecting your physical health and emotional well-being.

The Power of Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool in the battle against anxiety. By guiding you into a deeply relaxed state, it allows access to your subconscious mind, where deep-seated fears and anxieties reside. Through this process, we can identify and address the root causes of your anxiety, helping to reframe negative thought patterns and instill a sense of calm and control.

During a hypnotherapy session, you remain fully aware and in control, contrary to common misconceptions. It’s a collaborative process where we work together to harness the power of your mind to heal and transform. Many of my clients have found significant relief from anxiety after just a few sessions, experiencing a renewed sense of peace and clarity.

Psychotherapy: A Journey to Self-Understanding

Psychotherapy offers a more in-depth exploration of your anxiety. Through one-on-one sessions, we delve into your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors to uncover underlying issues. This therapeutic journey helps you develop a better understanding of yourself and your triggers, equipping you with the tools to manage anxiety more effectively.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is particularly effective for anxiety. It focuses on identifying and challenging distorted thought patterns, teaching you healthier ways to respond to anxiety-provoking situations. With CBT, you learn practical strategies to break the cycle of anxiety and regain control over your life.

Combining Therapies for Optimal Results

At Best Mind Therapy Ltd and Gary Smith Psychotherapy, we often combine hypnotherapy and psychotherapy to provide a holistic approach to anxiety management. This dual approach addresses both the conscious and subconscious aspects of anxiety, offering comprehensive support and lasting results.

Our goal is to create a safe, supportive environment where you feel heard and understood. We tailor our techniques to your unique needs, ensuring you receive the most effective care possible.

Take the First Step Towards Healing

If anxiety is holding you back, it’s time to take the first step towards healing. At Best Mind Therapy Ltd and Gary Smith Psychotherapy, we are dedicated to helping you find relief and reclaim your life. Together, we can navigate the path to inner peace and well-being.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and begin your journey towards a calmer, more fulfilling life.

Best Mind Therapy Swindon - Be yourself and not what others think you should be.

In a world that often pressures us to conform and fit into predefined moulds, the journey of self-discovery and authenticity becomes paramount. At Best Mind Therapy, I understand the significance of embracing your true self and not allowing external influences to dictate your path. In this blog, we'll explore why it's vital to be yourself and break free from the chains of external control.

Authenticity Leads to Inner Peace

Being true to yourself allows you to experience inner peace and contentment. When you pretend to be someone you're not, it creates inner conflict and stress. As a psychotherapist, I've witnessed the transformative power of authenticity in my clients. Embracing your true self is a significant step towards achieving mental and emotional well-being. Freedom to Pursue Your Passions

When you break free from the influence of others, you gain the freedom to pursue your passions and interests. Whether it's a personal hobby or a career choice, staying true to yourself empowers you to follow your heart. Remember, your dreams and desires are unique to you, and they deserve to be realised.

Conforming to societal expectations or allowing others to control your life can lead to mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. As a hypnotherapist and psychotherapist, I specialise in helping individuals overcome these challenges. By being yourself, you reduce the risk of these mental health issues and can even work towards healing if you're already experiencing them.

Authenticity fosters genuine connections with others. When you're true to yourself, you attract people who appreciate you for who you are, not for who you pretend to be. These authentic connections provide a strong support system and enhance your overall well-being.

Embracing your true self is a journey of personal growth and resilience. It requires self-awareness and the courage to stand up for your values and beliefs. Through this process, you become more resilient and better equipped to face life's challenges.

In a world where external pressures and expectations can be overwhelming, it's essential to remember that you have the power to be yourself. At Best Mind Therapy Im here to support you on your journey to self-discovery and authenticity. By breaking free from external control and embracing your true self, you can find inner peace, pursue your passions, and enjoy improved mental health.

If you're struggling with issues related to authenticity, anxiety, trauma, phobias, depression, or any other mental health concerns, don't hesitate to reach out. Take that first step towards self-discovery and contact us today for a consultation. You deserve to be the best version of yourself.




Reprogramming Your Mind: The Hypnotherapy of Mental Health Transformation


Just as changing guitar strings can revive a muted melody, the power of hypnotherapy can breathe life into the depths of your mind. In this blog post, we will explore the analogy of changing guitar strings and how it correlates with the hypnotic journey of mental health improvement and positive change.

The Hushed Tones of Stagnation: Before we dive into the hypnotic process of transformation, let's envision a guitar with old, weary strings. The sound it produces is often muted, dull, and devoid of the harmony that we associate with a vibrant musical experience. Similarly, when individuals find themselves ensnared in patterns of anxiety, trauma, phobias, depression, or other mental health challenges, their lives can feel muted, drained of vitality, and stripped of joy.

Hypnotherapy: The Catalyst for Change: Much like the musician who seeks to replace lifeless strings, those who venture into the realm of hypnotherapy embrace a catalyst for change. It necessitates courage, an openness to transformation, and a willingness to explore the depths of the subconscious mind. Just as the guitarist renews the strings with determination, embarking on a hypnotherapy journey reflects the courage to seek inner change.

The Alchemical Transformation: When a musician meticulously replaces old guitar strings with new ones, the transformation in sound is nothing short of miraculous. Suddenly, the instrument comes to life, resonating with vibrant, harmonious tones. Similarly, individuals who engage in hypnotherapy often experience profound inner transformation. As they work through their challenges, rewire thought patterns, and embrace new, empowering beliefs, they begin to resonate with a renewed sense of self, confidence, and positivity.

Embracing the Worthwhile Journey: Changing guitar strings isn't always straightforward, but the effort pays off when the melodies that follow are mesmerising. Likewise, the path to mental health rejuvenation and positive change may present its own unique challenges. Yet, the rewards are immeasurable. The vibrant and fulfilling life that awaits on the other side of hypnotherapy is worth every session, every exploration of the subconscious, and every moment of self-discovery.

At Best Mind Therapy, I recognise the parallels between changing guitar strings and the hypnotic journey of mental health transformation. I am here to guide and support you on your quest for a more vibrant, fulfilling life.

Just as a guitarist's music comes alive with the resonance of new strings, your life can resonate with newfound happiness, purpose, and inner harmony. Do not hesitate to take that courageous step toward hypnotherapy and embrace the opportunity to reprogram your mind, creating a life filled with profound mental health improvements and positive change.


The Brecon Beacons walk - Best Mind therapy Swindon

In the heart of the Brecon Beacons, a world of natural beauty unfurls before you. It's a place where rolling hills wear their emerald coats with pride, and rivers dance through valleys, painting a serene landscape that's almost too good to be true. Nestled within this enchanting realm, I embarked on a journey that not only immersed me in nature but also shed light on the profound benefits of sunshine for my mental health.

The story begins with a yearning to escape the confines of daily life. The Brecon Beacons, with their craggy peaks and lush valleys, beckoned like an old friend with arms wide open. As I ventured into this realm, something magical happened. With every step, my mind began to unwind. Worries and stress melted away, and my spirit lifted like the morning mist.

One radiant morning, as I followed a sun-dappled trail, I felt the gentle caress of sunlight on my skin. It was as if the sun itself had decided to be my guide. The warmth on my face ignited a sense of joy deep within me. Scientifically, it's the serotonin, the "feel-good hormone," that the sun generously bestows upon us. But in that moment, I simply knew it as happiness.

Walking amidst the Beacons, I discovered that nature is not just a visual treat. It's a symphony of sounds. The chorus of birds, the babbling brooks, the rustling leaves - they all played their part in this enchanting performance. This natural symphony acted as a balm for my mind, soothing the chaos within and allowing me to breathe freely.

As I trekked higher, my heart raced with anticipation. The crisp mountain air and the rhythmic cadence of my footsteps acted as a meditative mantra. With each step, my thoughts aligned like stars in the night sky. Clarity washed over me, and I saw my worries from a new perspective. Nature had become my therapist, offering insights I hadn't found anywhere else.

Throughout my journey, I noticed a profound change in my mental wellbeing. The sunshine not only brightened the landscapes but also my outlook on life. I felt more energized, optimistic, and resilient. The Brecon Beacons had woven their magic, and the sun had been the catalyst for my transformation.

The Brecon Beacons, with their breathtaking vistas, became more than a destination; they were a sanctuary for my soul. Nature, in all its grandeur, served as a powerful healer, while the sun, with its warm embrace, was the key to unlocking my mental wellbeing.

As I left this enchanted realm, I carried with me not just memories of breathtaking beauty but the knowledge that nature, in all its forms, can be a beacon of hope for the weary soul. And the next time life's challenges cast a shadow, I'll know where to turn - back to the welcoming arms of the Brecon Beacons, where sunshine and nature work their wonders on both the body and the mind

Can Hypnotherapy Help With Anxiety?

Can Hypnotherapy Help With Anxiety?

Yes, hypnotherapy can be helpful in managing anxiety. Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that uses guided relaxation, focused attention, and deep concentration to achieve a heightened state of awareness, often referred to as a trance. In this state, individuals may be more open to suggestions and can potentially explore and address the underlying causes of their anxiety.

Hypnotherapy for anxiety typically involves a trained Solution Focused Hypnotherapist guiding the individual into a relaxed state and then using various techniques to help them reframe negative thought patterns, reduce physical tension, and promote a sense of calm. Some potential benefits of hypnotherapy for anxiety include:

  1. Relaxation: Hypnotherapy encourages deep relaxation, which can help reduce the physiological symptoms of anxiety such as increased heart rate, rapid breathing, and muscle tension.

  2. Positive Suggestion: During a hypnotic trance, the hypnotherapist may provide positive suggestions aimed at changing negative thought patterns and promoting a more optimistic and confident mindset.

  3. Root Cause Exploration: Hypnotherapy can sometimes help individuals uncover and address the root causes of their anxiety, which could be related to past experiences or unresolved emotions.

  4. Visualisation: Hypnotherapy often involves guided imagery and visualization techniques that can help individuals mentally rehearse calm and confident behaviors in anxiety-inducing situations.

  5. Stress Reduction: Regular hypnotherapy sessions can contribute to overall stress reduction, which can have a positive impact on anxiety levels.

It's important to note that while some people find hypnotherapy helpful for anxiety, it may not work for everyone. Additionally, the effectiveness of hypnotherapy can vary depending on individual factors, the skill of the hypnotherapist, and the specific nature of the anxiety being addressed.

If you're considering hypnotherapy for anxiety, it's recommended to consult with a qualified Solution Focused and Hypnotherapist. They can assess your individual needs and determine if hypnotherapy is a suitable approach for your situation. It's also a good idea to combine hypnotherapy with other evidence-based therapies and strategies for managing anxiety, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness, and lifestyle changes.

Many people choose Hypnotherapy over medication and feel the natural approach suits them far better.


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How Hypnotherapy Works

Hypnotherapy works by utilising the state of hypnosis to access the subconscious mind and facilitate positive changes in thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. Here's a general overview of how hypnotherapy typically works:

  1. Induction: The hypnotherapist guides the individual into a relaxed state known as hypnosis or a trance state. This is usually achieved through various relaxation techniques, focused attention, and suggestions. The person remains aware and in control throughout the process.

  2. Altered State of Consciousness: In this relaxed state, the individual's conscious mind becomes less active, while the subconscious mind becomes more receptive to suggestions and imagery. The individual is more open to exploring and addressing underlying thoughts, beliefs, and emotions.

  3. Accessing the Subconscious Mind: With the individual in a trance state, the hypnotherapist can access the subconscious mind, which is where core beliefs, memories, and emotions reside. By accessing these deeper levels of the mind, the hypnotherapist can identify and work with the underlying causes of issues.

  4. Therapeutic Techniques: During the hypnotic state, the hypnotherapist employs various therapeutic techniques tailored to the individual's needs. These may include suggestions, visualisations, positive affirmations, regression, metaphorical storytelling, or other methods aimed at addressing specific concerns.

  5. Reframing and Reprogramming: Hypnotherapy seeks to reframe negative thought patterns, beliefs, and behaviors, replacing them with more positive and constructive ones. The hypnotherapist may suggest new perspectives, encourage desired changes, and help the individual establish healthier patterns of thinking and behaving.

  6. Integration and Empowerment: Throughout the hypnotherapy session, the individual is actively involved in the process. The hypnotherapist facilitates empowerment, self-awareness, and self-acceptance, helping the person develop greater control over their thoughts, emotions, and actions.

It's important to note that the success of hypnotherapy depends on factors such as the individual's motivation, receptivity to hypnosis, rapport with the hypnotherapist, and the skill and experience of the hypnotherapist. Additionally, hypnotherapy is often used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan and may be combined with other therapeutic approaches to address specific concerns effectively.

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What Hypnotherapy Can Help With

Hypnotherapy can be used to address a wide range of issues and concerns. Here are some areas where hypnotherapy has been found to be helpful:

  1. Anxiety and Stress: Hypnotherapy can assist in reducing anxiety, managing stress, and promoting relaxation by accessing the subconscious mind to reframe negative thought patterns and develop coping strategies.

  2. Phobias and Fears: Hypnotherapy can help individuals overcome specific phobias or irrational fears by desensitising the fear response and replacing it with more positive associations.

  3. Smoking Cessation: Hypnotherapy is often used as a complementary technique to support individuals in quitting smoking by targeting the underlying psychological and behavioral aspects of addiction.

  4. Weight Management: Hypnotherapy can be utilised to address unhealthy eating habits, emotional eating, and reinforce positive behaviors and attitudes towards food and exercise.

  5. Pain Management: Hypnotherapy has been used to alleviate chronic pain, manage acute pain during medical procedures, and help individuals develop greater control over their pain perception.

  6. Insomnia and Sleep Disorders: Hypnotherapy techniques can promote relaxation, improve sleep quality, and address underlying factors contributing to sleep disturbances.

  7. Confidence and Self-Esteem: Hypnotherapy can assist in enhancing self-confidence, improving self-esteem, and overcoming self-limiting beliefs by accessing and reinforcing positive internal resources.

  8. Performance Enhancement: Hypnotherapy is employed to improve performance in various areas, such as sports, public speaking, creativity, and academic or professional pursuits, by boosting motivation, focus, and self-belief.

  9. Trauma and PTSD: Hypnotherapy can be used as part of a comprehensive treatment approach to help individuals process and heal from traumatic experiences.

It's important to note that hypnotherapy should be conducted by a qualified and experienced Clinical hypnotherapist who can tailor the treatment to an individual's specific needs. The effectiveness of hypnotherapy can vary depending on the person and the issue being addressed. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is widely considered the gold standard in Hypnotherapy and is tailored to the clients needs.

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Who Invented Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy, as a practice, has evolved over time and does not have a specific inventor. However, hypnosis and its therapeutic applications have a long history that dates back centuries.

One of the key figures in the development of hypnotherapy as a therapeutic technique was Franz Mesmer, an 18th-century German physician. Mesmer believed in the existence of a magnetic fluid that he thought flowed through the bodies of individuals and could be manipulated to restore health. His methods involved inducing a trance-like state, which he called "mesmerism," in his patients.

Later, James Braid, a Scottish physician, played a significant role in shaping hypnotherapy into a more scientific practice. In the 19th century, Braid studied and refined hypnotic techniques and introduced the term "hypnosis" to describe the state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility induced in patients.

Since then, numerous psychologists, psychiatrists, and researchers have contributed to the development and application of hypnotherapy as a therapeutic tool. Some notable figures include Milton H. Erickson, who popularized the use of indirect suggestion and the concept of "Ericksonian hypnosis," and Dave Elman, known for his work in medical hypnosis.

It's important to note that hypnotherapy is an evolving field, and many professionals have made significant contributions to its development and practice over the years. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is, in my opinion, the most effective form of Hypnotherapy as it combines many different forms of therapy, tailored to the client.

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